Want More Customers? Take The High Road

by Jul 6, 2015

winter break, couple relaxing winter landscape

Arne Henning Lothe owns one of the most profitable Arctic Spas hot tub dealerships in the world. His company, Arctic Spas Massasjebad, is located in Rogaland near Sandnes in Norway.

This is how he takes care of business:

From: Arne Henning Lothe
Subject: Service call
Date: July 2, 2015 at 1:18:38 PM MDT

My first helicopter service call a ocean epic customer that wanted the spa fixed for a party this weekend.. 6 hours driving with the car and 1,5 with helicopter. Customer was very surprised when i arrived how do i registrate transport cost on IA

Med vennlig hilsen / Best regards
Arne Henning Lothe
Tlf. 0047 93467370


We need more video and pictures of this. This is perfect for writing about and showing on your website and social networks. Please send me everything you have from this trip.

Jody Gamracy
Arctic Spas


Med vennlig hilsen / Best regards
Arne Henning Lothe
Tlf. 0047 93467370

Great. Can you tell about the customer and service call.

location, problem, spa type, when did they buy it, how did you fix it, how long did it take you, how much did the helicopter cost, how far from your shop, what was the customer reaction, where did you land?

Jody Gamracy
Arctic Spas

This ocean epic was delivered by our service guy the same day. It is a 3 hour drive one way.

When this was delivered our guy could not be on site and wait for the water to fill up. So he did the electrical hook up and left. The wire that the electrician used was a 400 volt system and he hooked it up like that. But it was a 2 phase system and when the customer called me 19.00 in the evening for instructions the breaker tripped.

I realised the power was wrong and asked if the customer could wire it different but then he needed the jumpers. He could not find them, my service guy told me that he left the jumpers by the pack.. So the customer called 3 electricians but no one could come so far.

He then called me again – said that if you want a happy customer you better get in your car right now!! (ANGRY) so I said OK I will do it.

The next day was filled up with another delivery and here was a big crane already ordered 2 days ahead – also a 2-3 hour one way delivery for my service guy so i could not ask him to go up and he could not do it after this job because he was going on vacation to Denmark in the evening the following day ( driving) so I said I would do it.

Then he said to me just for fun. Why not use a helicopter? so then I called a friend of mine that work in Fonnafly taxi helicopter.

And he said- sure be at the airport in 20 min. I will have a copter ready for you. It cost £1000 CAD. So then I called the customer asked for gps coordinates and said I was coming in a copter and asked him to clear parking lot for landing. He was HAPPY so when we landed it took me 5 minutes of work and the ocean was running – he and his wife gave me a big hug and said this was the best service they ever experience.

The most crazy thing about this is that i sold his neighbour also a spa and that is to be delivered next week. But that was not soon enough because they should have a party this weekend and needed this ocean to be running

Med vennlig hilsen / Best regards
Arne Henning Lothe
Tlf. 0047 93467370

Click the photos below to enlarge:

So, let’s recap what went on here.

  • Arne sold a hot tub to a customer who lives 3 hours form his shop. His neighbor buys one too, but insists on getting his delivered by the weekend instead of waiting until his neighbor is ready a week later. Logistically, doing both deliveries on the same day would have been much better for Arne and his staff.
  • The customer gets his delivery in time for the weekend, as requested.
  • The local electrician hired to run power to the spa does it incorrectly.
  • Customer fills up spa, turns power on. Nothing. Breaker tripped.
  • Customer calls Arne insisting he fix it. The time is now 7 pm.
  • Arne calls the electrician, and other local electricians. None will come.
  • Arne does NOT call his delivery guy, who is now heading off on a well deserved vacation that he had planned.
  • No other staff are available.
  • Arne books a chopper, grabs his tools, and arrives at the heliport 20 min later. *the fare is £1000 CAD (6400 NOK, £800 USD)
  • A short chopper ride later they arrive at the customers house and Arne fixes the electricians wiring error in 5 min.
  • The customer is now in love. Hugs and smiles all around.

This is how its done boys and girls. Year after year, Arne wins awards for outstanding sales and service. Some of his customers come from traditional advertising, but most come in because their friends or neighbors told them they would be crazy to buy anywhere else.

Once again Arne, from all of us here at Arctic Spas, thanks for being so awesome!

choppers are cool