Indoor vs Outdoor Portable Hot Tubs

by Feb 20, 2017

winter break, couple relaxing winter landscape

Do you prefer your portable spa in the comfy confines of a controlled environment, or is the Great Outdoors even greater with a hot tub?

Would you rather have a roof over your head (and your hot tub), or does the wonderful wilderness and an open sky setting sound ideal?

In short, are you an indoor or outdoor portable hot tub person?

Regardless of your personal opinion, there really isn’t a wrong answer.

Before we look at the pros and cons of both indoor and outdoor tubs, let’s see where recent spa and hot tub installations are taking place.

The Trend Toward Outdoor Spas and hot tub

Outdoor hot tub are on the rise. North American purchase statistics suggest that spas and hot tub are more popular than ever – recent analysis puts average yearly hot tub sales at over £900 million in the U.S. market alone.

The question is, where are all those hot tub going? Inside or outdoors?

In temperate climates like California, the majority of installations occur outside the home. One builder in the Golden State estimated that around 95% of all spa building projects were outside. hot tub and spa owners all over the world are embracing the freedom and feel-good aspects of having their tub out in the sun…or even under the stars.


Backwards Compatible? Or Backwoods Compatible?

For more hot tub, there are two rules for indoor & outdoor usage.

  • Most outdoor hot tub are fine indoors.
  • Most indoor hot tub aren’t made to perform outside.

For Arctic Spas hot tub, there is one rule for indoor & outdoor usage:

  • Inside or outside, in every type of weather, Arctic Spas is the brand of choice. It doesn’t matter where you decide to put an Arctic Spas hot tub – it’s a dependable performer in any and all conditions.

Is your hot tub backwards compatible? In other words, can you get the same performance characteristics (heat retention, weatherproof protection, etc.) no matter where it’s located? Not all indoor tubs can thrive (or even perform at all) in blustery winter weather. Which means, not all hot tub are backwards compatible.

Arctic Spas hot tub are not only backward and forward (and every other way possible) compatible, but they’re also backwoods compatible. They’re just as comfortable in a frozen winter forest as they are in 75-degree, sunny weather.


What About Winterizing?

The indoor vs outdoor hot tub debate usually gives a decided advantage to the indoor argument when it comes to winter weather. Who wants to spend countless hours preparing their hot tub for frigid, unforgiving conditions? Nobody does – and that’s a driving force behind the exceptionally durable, all-weather design of Arctic Spas portable hot tub and spas.

Most indoor hot tubs wouldn’t dare try to operate outdoors during the winter, and there are plenty of so-called “outdoor” tubs that can’t handle the heat (or the cold) when the pressure is on. But not hot tubs from Arctic Spas. Our weather-ready hot tub can be used year-round, in any climate, without fear of collapsing or breaking down. Forged in Canada’s tough weather conditions, Arctic Spas hot tubs are designed to handle snow, sleet, rain and whatever else Mother Nature has in store.

Because our hot tub are the toughest on earth, we’ve made winterizing an optional part of owning an outdoor hot tub. If you want to use your tub or sap 12 months per year, you certainly can – and that’s just one more advantage of owning an Arctic Spas hot tub!


The Arctic Spas Advantage – See for Yourself!

Inside, outside, no weather, any type of weather – for the ultimate in portable spa and hot tub versatility, no other brand comes close to Arctic Spas. We sell a great selection of tubs for individuals, couples, families and more. Plus, we also carry a complementary collection of associated accessories for even more outdoor enjoyment, hot tub steps and other premium upgrades and add-ons.

Wherever you prefer to soak – under the sun or out of the weather – Arctic Spas is your one-stop shop for indoor and outdoor relaxation.

To learn more about Arctic Spas and our complete line of indoor and outdoor spas and hot tubs, visit an Arctic Spas store today.