Day 3 of the Arctic Spas Seminar

by Jan 7, 2013

winter break, couple relaxing winter landscape

Our third day was the final day of round table meetings (*sniff sniff*).

It has been an epic conference!  

Everyone is beginning to show signs of a long and intense few days catching up to them.  That being said, everyone was still eager to move through their remaining stations, soak up as much information as possible, and give feedback directly at the round table sessions.

After we headed out to the beach where activities took place for the final rounds of the team building exercises (and to show off some new swag!)

Everybody on Arctic Spas Seminar

The next few hours after a great time on the beautiful beaches of Jamaica were taken up in preparing for the evening Gala which consisted of a Pirates of the Caribbean theme.  Many got in the mood by dressing us as scurvy dogs and majestic admirals… and someone even came as a Santa Claus Pirate (mention no names!)

Evening Arctic Spas Gala which consisted of a Pirates of the Caribbean theme