Hot Tubs Engineered for the World’s Harshest Climates

Arctic Spas Manuals


109. CUSTOM Program Filtration & Onzen™ Settings

1.10.6 CUSTOM Program Filtration & Onzen™ Settings.


The Onzen™ Chlorine Production (Onzen™ Cycle Duration) settings need to be programmed.

The following steps provide guidance on how to program the Onzen™ system settings:

Step 1 – Enter the filtration options through the topside controller. Press and hold the filter button to enter into your filtration options. Your display will show “SETT” and from here, you will choose your settings.

Step 2 – Enter Onzen™ Settings Through Topside Controller. Press your Filter again until you see 0n. Your display will now show the settings for your Onzen™ system.

Step 3 – Onzen™ Cycle Duration. Use your arrow keys to select your Onzen™ Cycle Duration. You can select from 1 to 24 hours per day. *Cycles are divided into 4. If 8 hours is selected, the system will perform 4 x 2 hour cycles/day.

Step 4 – Filter Duration. Press your Filter button again. Your display will now show the settings for your Filter Duration.

Step 5 – Setting Filter Duration. Use your arrow keys to select your Filter Duration in hours. You can select from 0 to 6 hours, the number of hours your filtration will run each time.

Step 6 – Filter Cycle Frequency. Press your Filter button again. Your display will now show the settings for your Filter Cycle Frequency.

Step 7 – Setting Filter Cycle Frequency. Use your arrow keys to select your Filter Cycle Frequency. You can select from 1 to 4 times per day. You can move backwards through the settings by pressing the Pump 3 button.

The Pump 1 button will allow you to exit without saving any changes. When you get to the end of the options, press the filter key one last time to save changes and begin a filter cycle immediately. If you do not press the filter key again your changes will be saved and the filter cycle will begin when you have programmed it to do so.

*Press your Filter button again to start the next cycles immediately (Pumps will purge for 20 seconds). To SAVE & EXIT but not start the cycle simply let the display time out.

Refer to appropriate Topside function section for instructions on setting Onzen™ Cycles (hours ran per day)

Custom – Page 34

Classic – Page 47

Core – Page 64