Arctic Spas Utah started in February of 1989 as a service company in Park City, UT. They serviced all brands of spas and hot tubs. In 1998, they found the Arctic Spa brand hot tub which incorporated many of their main requirements to be serviceable and built for the cold climates.

Plus, Arctic Spas took the engineering further to make an every better spa that what you will see with other brands. In 1999 Arctic Spas Utah opened the Salt Lake Store to provide spa chemicals, filters, and hot tub accessories to their Salt Lake customers as well.

2005 brought their move to their current located at 2368 S. State Street, right on the corner of I-80 and State Street. They now carry a full line of saunas, steam showers, spa parts, hot tub chemicals and spa accessories. They also carry the Arctic Gazebos to compliment the spa.